7 Things to Consider When Relocating Offices

Relocating offices, much like moving house, can be an incredibly stressful time for all involved. From the business owners right through to the employees, an office move is both exciting and disruptive at the same time. That’s why it’s important that you consider a few things before committing to an office relocation.

this article, we’ll go through everything you might not have thought about when it comes to relocating offices, as you may want to reconsider or put plans in place for your eventual office move. An office relocation can go off without a hitch if you’re prepared and have made plans well in advance. However, one of the most stress-free ways of carrying out an office move is enlisting the help of a professional, like us here at FIT Interiors.

1. The cost of relocating

Something important to consider before committing to moving to another office location is the cost of the relocation itself, from start to finish. There are a number of different costs incurred and fees that need to be paid along the way. From paying upfront for rent to the cost of the removal itself, there are many different items and services that need to be paid for throughout the process.

Therefore, you need to reassess your budget and the amount that you’re both able to pay and willing to pay. Relocating offices can be an expensive process, depending on a variety of factors, such as whether you’re upsizing or downsizing. No matter which way round you’re doing it, it will cost you money, so make sure you’re prepared and are financially stable enough to pay it and to continue paying the fees that are owed as a result of relocating offices.

2. How you’re going to communicate relocation plan to colleagues, employees & customers

When it comes to letting your workers and colleagues know about the move, it’s important that it’s communicated to them appropriately and in a timely manner. Not only does this help in terms of allowing them to plan for the move, but it also ensures that they know what your next move is. By keeping them all in the loop, you’ll make them feel valued and part of the team, therefore boosting morale overall.

If you’ve not yet committed to an office relocation, think about the way in which you’ll communicate this to your staff members. It’s important to think about because there will be a lot of information that needs to be relayed to them, from the new location to a complete restructure, there are likely a number of things at play when it comes to office relocation that your team needs to be aware of.

You should be thinking carefully about how it’s going to affect your employees and also what you would want to know about the office relocation plan if you were them. Your workers are an integral part of the smooth-running of your business and so you need to make sure that you have them as a priority when it comes to making important decisions, including plans to relocate your office.

3. Whether you’ll need new or additional pieces of office furniture

Businesses might wish to relocate offices for a number of different reasons. From downsizing and upsizing to moving to a more affordable area and being where the action is, an office relocation is a great idea for any company looking for a change or for a business who wants to improve logistics and practicality in general. However, no matter the reason for your office relocation, you may find yourself needing some new office furniture.

Whether you’re wanting to rebrand and need to incorporate new pieces into your office space or if you’re looking to upsize and need some additional pieces of office furniture, FIT Interiors will be able to help with that. We have an impressive selection of office furniture pieces available for you to choose from, making for a modern, sleek and contemporary office space regardless of the industry you work in.

In addition to acquiring new office furniture, something you should consider before relocating offices is whether you will need to dispose of any of it. If you do, then look into ways in which to sustainably get rid of them. Offer them up to other business owners or send them to charities if they’re in good condition. Do your research into both disposing of existing office furniture and implementing new pieces into your working space.

4. How you’re going to set up your IT, computers & connections in your new premises

The key to a successful office and one that runs in an efficient manner is having the right communications and IT systems set up to get the job done. If you’re looking to relocate offices but haven’t made the commitment, formally, yet, then this is something else you will need to look into before going ahead with anything. Look at your potential new location and see if it’s possible to have telecommunications installed there that runs as well as your current set up.

You should also look into the possibility of whether or not your wi-fi connection is going to be strong or weak. A business that works online, sends emails, has conference calls and that runs programmes, for example, will need a stable internet connection and a solid communications network to utilise. Is the move to that new location right for your business and the business needs? You should look into this further if you’ve found a location that you like.

5. What are you going to do with old equipment & unwanted furniture?

We’ve touched on this briefly, but you’ll need to think about what you should do with everything that is unwanted. Electrical equipment, for example, cannot simply be thrown into landfill. Also, you need to be careful when it comes to the disposal of commercial waste as this is required to be done by a registered waste carrier so as to prevent fly-tipping offences. Do your research into the disposal of items that you’ll no longer need as a result of a downsize or a rebrand after you have relocated offices.

6. Do you have an office relocation plan in place?

An office relocation plan is essential. This ensures that everything runs as smoothly and as successfully as it can be whilst the office relocation is being carried out. If you’re looking for ways in which to create your own office relocation plan, then take a look at one of our latest articles – How to Plan for An Office Relocation. It’s imperative that you have an office relocation plan in place before you commit to a move, and it should definitely be ready to draw upon once the move has commenced. It should include things like:

  • Communicating plans clearly to employees and customers
  • Asking a professional for help with an office relocation
  • Making sure that you have enough furniture
  • Determining the effects that the move will have on your business
  • Liaising with your marketing team
  • Ensuring IT systems are up and running on moving day
  • Committing to rebranding if that’s something you wish to do after office relocation
  • Following an office relocation checklist

7. Have you had risk assessments carried out?

Risk assessments are paramount when it comes to office relocations. Someone who is competent and qualified needs to determine how safe the building and the area is before it’s used for commercial or business means. This risk assessment should include looking for fire escapes and exits, checking that the right fire-rated materials and products are being used, ensuring that carpets and laminate flooring isn’t damaged or is a trip hazard to those walking on, and so on. The list can be extensive when it comes to risk assessments of commercial buildings, but it’s something you will need to factor in as it can affect both the time it takes to relocate to a new office and how much the office relocation will cost you overall.

FIT Interiors are proud to offer office fit outs and office refurbishments to customers throughout Leicester, Derby, Birmingham, Nottingham and the surrounding areas. We are also able to carry out sterling office relocation services, whereby we’ll help you to move from one office to another, helping to take the stress and pressure off of your office relocation. We have an experienced team of dedicated professionals at the helm of everything we do, so you can rest assured that you’ll be in good hands with FIT Interiors for office relocation services. If you would like further information about the office relocation services we have on offer, get in touch with a member of our friendly, expert team today – we’re always pleased to hear from you.